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Thursday, February 21, 2013

B&B Roundup Scheduled for March 2, 2013!

Please mark your calendars for the 74th annual UT Block & Bridle Roundup to be held Saturday, March 2, 2013 in the Brehm Animal Science Building on the Agriculture Campus at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 

The Block & Bridle Club has a busy day planned for 4-H and FFA members from across the state in our new arena! The day will begin with registration from 7:00-8:30 am and the Livestock and Meats Judging Clinics will begin at 9:00 am. Lunch will be at approximately at 11:30 am with the contests to follow. The Meats Judging Contest is new this year, and we are fortunate enough to have Dr. Dwight Loveday assisting with this new addition!

Divisions for Meats and Livestock will be as follows*:

Junior** 4th-6th, Junior High** 7th-8th, and Senior High*** 9th-12th

*You must choose either Meats or Livestock, a student cannot participate in both.
**In the Meats Clinic and Contest Junior and Junior High will be judged together
***Senior High students will give two sets of oral reasons for Livestock Judging

The link for online team entry is posted below. Please make every reasonable effort to have your entries in by the deadline for early entry, 5:00 pm on Wednesday, February 27th. 

Click on "add new" to add your team(s) to the entry form.

Early entries will be $6 per student (payable on March 2nd), and late or day of entries will be $10 per student so please get them in early. 

We look forward to seeing everyone and we hope you enjoy getting to see the new Brehm Animal Science Building! T-shirts will be available for purchase as well, and lunch will be provided for all participants, additional lunch tickets will be available for $5 to agents, parents, etc. We will have a limited number of lunches available so please register early online and include extra lunches in your "eating lunch" count on the entry form.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns please call me at 865-974-4160, or email me at