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Friday, August 23, 2013

First B&B Club Meeting 9-10-13

Attention! The first Block and Bridle Club Meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday September 10, at 6:00 pm in the Block and Bridle Lounge on the first floor of Brehm Animal Science. Please tell any new and returning students about this opportunity! We hope to see everyone there!

B&B Members at the 2013 Animal Science Awards Banquet!

Brehm Arena all decked out for Roundup 2013!

Fall Animal Science Smoker!

The Animal Science Smoker will be held next Wednesday, August 28th, at 5:30 pm on the front lawn of Brehm Animal Science. Many campus clubs and organizations will be there to recruit new members, and you will also get the chance to meet Animal Science faculty and staff members!

Free hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks will be provided so bring your Animal Science friends and get ready for a night of fun to kick off the 2013-2014 academic year in our new building!

2013-2014 B&B Club Officers

Congratulations to Our New Officers!

President: Alyssa Clements

Vice-President: Hannah Wright

Treasurer: Kendra Flynn

Secretary: Sarah Hargrove

Reporter: Megan Moore

Meals Chairs: Sarah Maccaro & Courtney Mize

New Members Marshalls: Paige Jared & Courtney Mize

Event Set Up: Josh Snyder & Jessi Tipton

Activities Chair: Kendra Flynn