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Thursday, April 23, 2015

76th Annual Block and Bridle Round Up

The 76th Annual Block and Bridle Round Up was held on March 6-7, 2015 in Brehm Animal Science Building on the University of Tennessee Agriculture Campus. This event is the highlight of the spring semester for club members.

The event kicked off Friday evening with Sheep and Hog collegiate showmanship and the alumni reception. During the alumni reception, members served alumni a delicious bbq dinner and hosted a live and silent auction. This was the first year for the alumni event and it was greatly enjoyed. During the live auction, Dr. Neal Schrick, Animal Science Department Head auctioned off three bricks from the historic Brehm building to raise funds for the department.

On Saturday, the club hosted over 300 4-H and FFA students from across Tennessee and North Carolina for livestock, dairy and meat judging contests. Many members served as officials, group leaders and learning clinic teachers.

The Block and Bridle members were given two weeks to break a sheep, hog, dairy heifer or beef heifer for showing throughout the weekend. On Friday evening students showed sheep and hogs with winners continuing on to round robin on Saturday evening. After the contests on Saturday were complete the club members showed their beef and dairy heifers to name the finalist in the respective species. There were three divisions in each species, beginner, intermediate and advanced. Winners were named in each division. The overall collegiate showmanship winner was John Edwards.  

Showmanship Winner, John Edwards with our species judges
This year the Block and Bridle members brought back the time honored tradition of crowing a Round Up King and Queen. This years Round Up Royalty was Jacob Lay and Amelia Woods.

Mark your calendar for Round Up 2016, March 4-5, 2016.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Way to go B&B!

Congratulations to all of our Block & Bridle students and faculty that received awards at the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources awards reception last week!

Animal Science Outstanding Students
Freshman: Kristin Judy
Sophomore: Jacob Lay
Junior: Amy Berger
Senior: Tyler Trowbridge

CASNR Outstanding Students
Sophomore: Jacob Lay & Melinda Perkins
Junior: Amy Berger, Madison Swafford & Amelia Woods
Seniors: Sarah Maccaro & Megan Moore

Spring 2015 Top Graduate: Sarah Nowack

Outstanding Faculty Advising Award: Jessy Shanks