Here Comes Santa Claus, Here Comes Santa Claus, Right Down Santa Claus Lane…
Have you decked the halls? Have you been naughty or nice? Have you been spreading the Christmas JOY? Have you told Santa Claus what you want for Christmas?
You know, I heard that Santa will leave you more presents if you leave him milk and cookies!? Yep, that’s right you can bribe Santa Claus. So you’ve been warned, don’t let Christmas Eve slip up on you and you not have any milk! So, where does Santa’s milk come from?
Did you know that the average dairy cow produces seven gallons of milk a day, 2,100 pounds of milk a month, 46,000 glasses of milk per year! Yep, just 1 cow can produce that much milk so be sure to leave Santa a big o’le glass of milk!
More Dairy Fun Facts:
* The average person consumes 584 pounds of dairy products a year
* There are 350 squirts in a gallon of milk
* Last but not least, chocolate milk does not come from brown cows
We would like to thank all the hard working dairy farmers and dairy cows for producing such a safe and nutritious snack for not only Santa Claus but for you and me everyday. Remember to always be proud of American Agriculture.
UT Block and Bridle would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
#myAGstory #farmfactfriday #dairyfacts