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Friday, September 26, 2014


We want to introduce a new way to promote and tell our story. We are taking apart of the #FarmFactFriday. Every Friday we want to tell a small part of our story.

Did you know, agriculture is the nation's largest employee, with more than 23 Million Jobs, that is 17% of the civilian workforce are involved in some facet of American Agriculture 

As Block and Bridle members and agriculture students we are the next generation of farmers. It is our generations challenge to protect the story of farming. Whether we are an animal science student, ag. communications or ag. economics, we are all working for one goal which is to feed the world.  

Remember be proud in our story. #FarmFactFriday

Block and Bridle Members  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another Fantastic Year

2014-2015 Off To A Great Start

We are excited to be back in the swing of things. Classes have started back and the Block and Bridle Club is already planning another fantastic year. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month in Brehm Animal Science. 

We are planning a social/potluck meeting on October 14th in Brehm Animal Science Arena. 
This will be a potluck meeting so bring something and join us. This will be our first "movie night" we will be watching 8 Seconds. 

Our first big event is AG Day on October 4th. AG Day starts 4 hours before UT kicks off against the Florida Gators. Block and Bridle will be selling our famous ribeye sandwich lunches. 

In preparation for our trip to the 95th National Block and Bridle Convention we will be holding several fund-raisers throughout the semester. Please join us for a $5 Hotdog lunch on Thursday September 25th starting at 11am outside Brehm Animal Science building.  

For more information please contact:

B&B Advisor Jessy Shanks
B&B President Tyler Trowbridge

Dates to Remember 
September 25th - Hotdog Lunch
October 4th - AG Day
October 14th - Social Meeting
October 16-18th - UTK Fall Break
October 22-26 - 95th National B&B Convention, Lubbock TX
December 5-6th - Rocky Top Classic Cattle Show
December 12-13th - Eastern Regional Hog Show

B&B Members Serving Lunch

B&B Members Grilling Ribeye Steaks