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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thank a Farmer this Thanksgiving!

UT Block and Bridle would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. We would like to thank all the farmers that supply our Thanksgiving meals. Everything from the center piece turkey to the brussel sprouts your mother makes you eat comes from a farmer. We encourage everyone to be proud of American agriculture and the farmers that go to work everyday to supply our food. 

#agproud #myAGstory #thankafarmer

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Meet Our Officers!

  It takes a lot of leadership and hard work to organize the amazing events Block and Bridle sponsors throughout the year. We always have a great group of officers and chairman who take the responsibility of the events. We look forward to another fantastic year with Block and Bridle. It has already started out with a bang! 

Club Members touring Texas Tech Animal Science Building
We would like to introduce our 2014-2015 UT Block and Bridle officer team.

Tyler Trowbridge
Senior Animal Science
After graduation he wants to attend 
graduate school in reproductive physiology 

Sarah Maccaro
                                                             Vice-President & Round Up Chair                                                              
Junior Animal Science - Ag. Education
After graduation she wants to attend
graduate school for genetic counseling 

Johnna Davis
Senior Animal Science
After graduation she wants to attend 
veterinarian medicine school 

Madison Swafford
Treasurer & Meals Chair 
Sophomore Ag. Education
After graduation is to become an extension agent

Amelia Woods
Reporter & Round-Up Co-Chair
Senior Ag. Communications
After graduation she wants to work in agriculture public relations

Melinda Perkins
Sophomore Animal Science
After graduation she wants to work with 
livestock marketing

Sarah Nowak
Meals Chair  
Senior Animal Science
After graduation she wants to attend
veterinarian medicine school

Kristen Walker
Club Lamb Sale Chair
Sophomore Animal Science
After graduation she wants to work in as 
an industry advocate

Amy Berger
T-shirt Chair
Junior Animal Science
After graduation she wants to be 
a 4-H agent

Not Pictured: 

Macey Ellis
Rocky Top Co-Chair
Sophomore Animal Science
After graduation she wants to attend
veterinarian medicine school 

Sarah Hargrove
Rock Top Chair
Senior Animal Science
After graduation she wants to attend 
veterinarian medicine school

We are excited to be in leadership roles that allow us to be true advocates for the agriculture industry. Mark your calendar for the Rocky Top Classic Cattle Show December 5-6 for more information please contact our Advisor Jessy Shanks or Sarah Hargrove. 

#myAGstory  #agproud  

Remember to always be proud of American Agriculture. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

First Tennessee Ag Literacy Week


Tennessee Agriculture

Read, PLOW, Ag Facts, Literacy, and Agriculture all have something in common regarding the state of Tennessee and Agriculture—Tennessee’s very FIRST Agriculture Literacy Week! This past week marked the first Agriculture Literacy Week campaign in the state of Tennessee. This event was sponsored by the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation, Tennessee Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee and the Tennessee Agriculture Education Committee, representing Tennessee’s agriculture producers.
So what does this mean, you might ask?

Tennessee Agriculture is making an effort to promote the truth about agriculture and farming, and what it has to offer to our state. This is a great opportunity for farmers, ranchers, Farm Bureau, FFA, 4-H, Collegiate Students, and other industry advocates to become involved in promoting the truth about agriculture. There are several ways that you can get involved in this effort. Begin by visiting for more information and full details about Tennessee Ag Literacy, then make an effort to tell our  agriculture story to adults AND children in your home town.

It’s important to always remember that it is our job to promote the benefits of agriculture in our state and country!  

#TNAgLit     #myAGstory   #FarmFactFriday

Friday, November 7, 2014


It's More than a Moo! 

Did you know cattle and beef production represent the largest single segment of American agriculture. In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) says more farms are classified as beef cattle operations (31 percent) than any other type of farm. USDA’s 2007 Census of Agriculture classified 687,540 farms as beef cattle operations. 

There are more than 1 million beef producers in the United States who are responsible for more than 94 million head of beef cattle. More than 97 percent of beef cattle farms and ranches are classified as family farms. 

Tennessee ranks fourth in the nation behind Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri for number of cow-calf producers. In 2010, cattle and calves ranked No. 1 in the state over beans and broilers with $545 million in receipts for cow-calf operations.

The University of Tennessee offer many different opportunities for Tennessee beef producers to enhance their knowledge by becoming a Master Beef Producer and Beef Quality Assurance certified. Being a member of the many beef organizations like Tn. Cattlemen's Association and Tn. Beef Industry Council will allow for communicating with many different beef producers.  

We always want to encourage the younger generation of producers and ag enthusiast. UT Block and Bridle members pride ourselves in sponsoring many different youth programs and events. We invite everybody to attend our Rocky Top Classic Cattle Show on December 6th in Brehm Animal Science Arena. For more information please contact Jessy Shanks   

Remember always be proud of American Agriculture.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

95th National Block and Bridle Convention

Over a Thousand Miles, One National Win and Many Wonderful Memories Later!

UT Block and Bridle Members traveled to Lubbock, Tx for the National Block and Bridle Convention. Texas Tech Block and Bridle hosted the convention.  The group left Knoxville on Wednesday October 22 and returned the 26th. While at the convention the students participated in agricultural tours, educations session and a service project.

            Donnell Brown gave the opening session speech on Thursday night. Mr. Brown owns and operates R.A. Brown Ranch in Throckmorton, Tx. R.A. Brown Ranch is a progressive family ranching business and has been in the ranching business since 1895. The R.A. Brown Ranch raises and sells top quality cattle and Quarter Horses. Mr. Brown spoke to the group about the importance of continuing to promote and be proud of agricultural. He challenged the group to “stop smoking the peace pipe, and put on war paint to defend the industry.”

The Texas Tech membership lined up great educational session for Saturday. The sessions included Mike Simpson with Elanco, Kristina Butts with NCBA in Washington D.C., Dr. John Zak with Texas Tech and many interest specific break out sessions. 

The Block and Bridle members participated in a giant service project of preparing and packaging meals for hungry children in the Amarillo, TX area. The group packaged 31,868 meals. The meal will be given out through the #Feedthe9 movement.  This movement is sponsored by and Elanco and includes many companies.  

The group packaged 31,000 meals for hungry children in Texas
Melinda Perkins, Sarah Maccaro, Emily Russell, Kristen Somerfeld and Kristen Walker
John Edwards, Tyler Trowbridge and Jacob Lay
The students had the opportunity to attend several different tours that highlighted different agricultural industries of west Texas. Tours ranged from touring cotton farms, the American Quarter Horses Association, several feedlots and a local tour that highlighted ranching heritage in Lubbock, TX.

Amelia Woods and Kristen Walker at the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame
Melinda Perkins, Kristen Somerfeld and Sarah Maccaro at a Texas Winery 
Dustie Strasser, Tyler Trowbridge and Jacob Lay touring the Texas Cotton Industry

             One of the highlights for the UT group was winning the national scrapbook competition.  The scrapbook highlights all the club's activities and events for the year. This years club reporters, Melinda Perkins and Amelia Woods, were in charge of assembling the scrapbook for judging at nationals.  This was the first time UT had participated in the competition in several year and we were very excited to win. 

UT Members at the National Awards Banquet
We look forward to many more trips representing our outstanding club and university. 
For more pictures from our trip to Lubbock please search #B&B14 or #standforthebrand